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Policy and Communications Group

Chair: Dr Birge Berns

The role of the Policy and Communications Group (PCG) is to develop the FPM’s policy work, and to co-ordinate and facilitate liaisons with both the membership and with external bodies, including media and PR activities and consultation responses. As a central committee at the FPM, we amalgamate input from the Expert Groups, manage requests from media and deliver communication to and from other sources. The group aims to ensure we consistently and effectively deliver outputs in a tone that abides to furthering pharmaceutical medicine.

What does FPM’s PCG do?

Our main areas of focus are to:

  • Raise awareness of the science and practice of pharmaceutical medicine, advocate the benefits that the specialty brings to the health of the public and advocate policy developments to support pharmaceutical medicine
  • Consider the prevailing and future topics of importance to pharmaceutical medicine and to develop and maintain a policy platform (areas of focus, policy position papers, key messages) in line with the FPM mission and objectives and current strategy
  • Consider appropriate PR activities to underpin the policy platform and to advise communications staff on press and media activities
  • Support internal (member) and external communications
  • Support organisation of symposia, conferences, conversation events and other events that do not fall under the remit of another FPM group or committee but are essential to the external presentation of the FPM
  • Oversee and advise on the use of digital communications, including the FPM website and social media channels
  • Oversee the work of the Expert Groups and to coordinate their input into FPM policy development and related activities

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