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Join FPM

We provide a collective voice for our 1,600 members who are striving to advance the research and development of new medicines to help prevent and overcome diseases that impact on the lives of patients worldwide. They are all medically-qualified and employed within the pharmaceutical industry, research organisations, drug regulatory authorities – or working as independent consultants.  The strength of our discipline and of FPM is that our members work across a diverse range of careers; from front line clinical trials, to pharmaceutical marketing and medicines regulation.

Membership is open to medically qualified doctors who work in, or have a professional interest in, pharmaceutical medicine.  We have six different types of membership listed below and if you are new to FPM, you may want to look at Affiliate and Membership (MFPM) first.

Contact us on membership@fpm.org.uk if you have any questions about becoming a member.


Membership Benefits

AffiliateAssociateMembership (MFPM)Fellowship (FFPM)
Qualify for discounted rates for training courses and events
Receive our monthly e-bulletin and other important updates about the specialty
Join free-to-attend member-only events
Benefit from UK and international networking opportunities
Access to online CPD diary
Get support from our FPM community via our FPM Connect mentoring platform
Use postnominals that are respected all around the world
Gain voting rights e.g. in the FPM presidential election, AGM
Propose and second nominations for the President of FPM
Be eligible to join our Board of Trustees
Propose and second nominations for Fellowship, Honorary Fellowship, Honorary Membership and Membership by Distinction
Be eligible to stand in the FPM presidential election

All members can become involved in our work and activities, for example via our events, by joining our Expert Groups, or writing for our blog.

Want to do more with your membership?

Visit the Get Involved page to find out more about opportunities within FPM

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