Calling new volunteers!

Posted on: Wednesday 19 October 2022
Author: FPM

Get Involved!

FPM is your professional membership body. We work for you, and with you, to advance the science and practice of pharmaceutical medicine.

We are proud that so many impressive figures working within the wide field of pharmaceutical medicine are members of FPM. As well as providing opportunities to develop your professional portfolio, FPM activities offer a chance to work with (and be inspired by!) the leaders and future leaders of pharmaceutical medicine.


See all our current opportunities

We currently have opportunities to join our EDI forum, be involved in our flagship events, or join committees looking at boosting our membership and education offerings.

Don't have the time to join a committee?

We also have plenty of ongoing one-off opportunities for members to get involved in our work.

Do you want to tell a story about your career? Submit a blog idea!

Want to discuss a journal article? Guest host a journal club meeting!

Dr John Ndikum

Dr John Ndikum

FPM provides me with the unique opportunity to more effectively and constructively impact the communities that we serve.

Dr Susan Tansey

Dr Sue Tansey

As an independent consultant I have found getting more involved with FPM extremely rewarding.

Mehbub Shafi photo

Dr Mehbub Shafi

Participating in the journal club was superb. The sharing of ideas, coupled with debate, is something I thoroughly enjoy.

Dr Anu Koshy-Delaffon

Working in pharma as a physician, there is not always the possibility to engage and exchange with other physicians in the same field. Getting involved with FPM allows me to network and communicate, but also have a chance to contribute on matters that directly affect us pharmaceutical physicians.