FPM welcomes a new member to the Trainees’ Committee

Posted on: Monday 21 June 2021
Author: FPM

Meet the newest member of FPM's Trainees' Committee

We are delighted that Daniel Stevens  has been appointed to the Trainees’ Committee. We would like to express our thanks to Daniel for volunteering to give his time to the committee.

Daniel joins Graça Alves da Cunha Coutinho (Chair), Laura Campbell, Carlos Carrasco, Richard Collis, Mayura Deshpande, Neil Fawkes, Shaun Flint, Guy Gherardi, Andrew Harper, Sanjay Khanna and Shaneil Sonecha.

Read more about Daniel below:

“It is a real pleasure to be joining the Trainees’ Committee. Pharmaceutical medicine as a specialty has a huge amount of potential and I hope I can support the efforts of FPM and my colleagues in further developing an enriching and supportive training environment.”

Daniel Stevens is a Member of FPM having passed the Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine exam with Distinction in 2020. He has worked predominantly in oncology drug development since joining industry and is currently the lead for clinical development at Blue Earth Therapeutics, a recently formed Oxford biotech. Prior to industry, Daniel practised clinically in the NHS and worked at the University of Bristol and University of Oxford as an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow with a research focus on uro-oncology.

Daniel Stevens

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