Message from incoming Registrar Dr Chris Worth
Posted on: Wednesday 10 November 2021
Author: FPM
Tonight we host our AGM. Our incoming Registrar Dr Chris Worth is unable to attend but has sent the following message to FPM members in anticipation of taking office.
I’m now looking forward to re-joining the FPM Trustees Board and working with the Board, Marcia and her hard-working team to further widen and improve a range of services to current members and Fellows. Related to this will be more commitments to exploring how FPM could widen its membership base, and involvement with the Faculty’s strategic direction. There’s clearly no doubt that events over the past 18 months have, for various reasons, strengthened the Faculty (e.g. greater media and public exposure, even more collaboration with Colleges and contributions to major reports etc). With the Board, I look forward to making my own contribution to FPM’s work…..remembering that all of us ARE the Faculty! Potentially, working towards even more members, more contributions, more services, can only lead to wider debate, even more improvements and, ultimately, a greater impact for our patients’ health improvement. My experience in working in several different sectors within the Pharmaceutical Industry as well as a previous number of years with the Board’s Trustees will, I very much hope, lead to dividends in time. Please contact me (through the Faculty or LinkedIn) on matters you wish to raise.