Record your CPD

If you attend an FPM event or training course you can use it as CPD for your appraisal. To do so you’ll need to provide:Approve for CPD

  • evidence (certificate of attendance), and
  • reflection, specifically a couple of paragraphs on what you learnt, what effect it will have on your current practice and how it relates to Good Medical Practice.

Upload these into your portfolio and self-allocate CPD credits with 1 credit per hour of learning.

Need to record your CPD? You’re in the right place!

If you haven’t accessed PReP before, please note the following:

  • Doctors who are revalidating with FPM will have access to both the revalidation and CPD aspects of PReP.
  • Doctors who are not revalidating with FPM, please email to get access to PReP.

CPD guidance and ‘Framework for CPD for Pharmaceutical Medicine’

Our CPD guidance (PDF) provides pharmaceutical physicians who are either engaged in the revalidation process or who simply wish to keep up to date in their practice, with:

  1. Useful information about how to identify and record CPD activities.
  2. Information on how non-revalidating pharmaceutical physicians can register to use PReP.
  3. A ‘Framework for CPD for Pharmaceutical Medicine’.
  4. Information for event organisers who wish to apply to FPM for CPD credits.

Useful information

For information on standards and criteria for CPD activities see the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges’ document: Standards and Criteria for CPD Activities: A Framework for Accreditation and their useful CPD FAQs.

The GMC have issued a very helpful document: Continuing Professional Development: guidance for all doctors.

If you have a CPD enquiry please email