FPM Examiner Training Day

Friday 8 March 2024
10:00 - 15:05 (GMT)

The FPM Board of Examiners (BoE) is responsible for various FPM exams. We are always looking for enthusiastic colleagues with specialist knowledge in pharmaceutical medicine to join the BoE. Becoming an Examiner is a great way of staying up to date with Pharmaceutical Medicine and an excellent opportunity for CPD which can help towards your demonstration of competency in your annual revalidation appraisal.

This training day is run for potential new examiners or as a refresher for existing examiners.

Who is this for?

  • Existing Examiners


  • Anyone who is eligible to join the BoE (take a look at our eligibility criteria below)


10:00- 10:20 Welcome and Overview of the DPM

10:20- 12:00 Short Answer Questions (SAQ)

  • Overview and pitfalls of writing/ marking SAQs
  • Mock marking discussions
  • Further mock marking

12:000- 12:45 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

  • Overview and pitfalls or writing MCQs

12:45- 13:30 Lunch break

13:30- 15:00 Virtual workshops

  • Writing new MCQs and SAQs in small groups

15:00- 15:05 Closing Remarks


This event will take place online on:

Friday 8 March 2024 10:00-15:05 (GMT)

This is a free, online event

Register now by contacting exams@fpm.org.uk

CPD Credits

You can find instructions and guidance regarding CPD eligibility here.

Approve for CPD

Requirements for potential new examiners

Eligibility criteria:

  • CCT in Pharmaceutical Medicine and/or ES and/or SA (PMST)
  • Membership and in good standing with the GMC with a licence to practice
  • Membership and in good standing with the FPM
  • CV and support from a referee


Undertake/ complete:

  • Attendance at a New Examiner Training Day
  • Successful marking of SAQ scripts from a previous DPM exam
  • Write at least 2 MCQs and 1 SAQ

Existing Examiner responsibilities

Once every 3 years will need to:

  • Attend a refresher training day (assist in MCQ bank review/ new MCQ/SAQ writing)
  • Complete equality and diversity training
  • Offer to mark the part 2 exam
  • Attend the BoE Annual General Meeting (AGM). Friday morning in early December for review of the DPM/adjudication of the part 2 results

Every year examiners will need to:

  • Write at least one MCQ and/or SAQ (note: attendance at the Training Day in that year meets this requirement).
  • Have membership and in good standing with the GMC with a licence to practice
  • have membership and in good standing with the FPM
  • Actively participate in Pharmaceutical Medicine

If you wish to attend the Examiner Training Day, please contact exams@fpm.org.uk

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The views, information, or opinions expressed during FPM events and training are those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine. We value inclusivity, equality and diversity, and work hard to promote these whenever possible in all of our activities. We welcome your comments and feedback: events@fpm.org.uk