From surviving to thriving with my mental health. Fireside Chat with Marc Watson
Monday 10 October 2022
17:00 - 18:00 (UK time)
In our Fireside Chat series, FPM welcomes inspirational members of our organisation.
We open the floor, and allow them to talk about their career, their passions, and the things that they believe are important to advance the science and practice of pharmaceutical medicine.
In this Fireside Chat, to mark World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2022, we welcomed Dr Marc Watson.
The event was organised in response to an acutely honest LinkedIn post that Marc wrote regarding his mental health challenges [Content warning – Marc’s post discusses suicidal feelings].
During the event, which can be watched in full below, Marc discussed his personal journey in conversation with Dr John Ndikum, Chair of FPM’s EDI Forum.
If you're in crisis and need to talk right now, there are many helplines staffed by trained people ready to listen. They won't judge you, and could help you make sense of what you're feeling.
Crisis helpline resources
Fireside Chat with Marc Watson
From surviving to thriving with my mental health
Dr Marc Watson
Dr Marc Watson joined the pharmaceutical industry in 2013 following ten years in the NHS and became a Fellow of the Faculty Pharmaceutical Medicine in 2021. Dr Watson has a breadth of experience within pharmacovigilance and medical affairs and has expanded his expertise to become a senior medical leader in the industry, making a difference to patient health at a population level. He has volunteered his expertise to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine and is a former member of the FPM Policy and Communication Group and has been Chair of our Ethics and Practice Committee for two years.
Currently Dr Watson is a Senior Medical Director at Norgine for Global Medical Affairs.
Dr Watson has openly shared his struggles with his mental health and recently a LinkedIn post [Content warning – this post discusses suicidal feelings] he wrote garnered an outpouring of support.

"I got from the depths of despair to where I am now even though I didn’t think it possible at the time"
Dr Marc Watson
- Registration is required to attend this free online event.
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