Dr Emma Harvey elected to be the next Vice-President of FPM

Posted on: Monday 10 June 2024
Author: FPM

I am very pleased to announce the results of the FPM’s Vice-Presidential election (2024). We had three excellent candidates in our online ballot, and a total of 157 eligible votes were received, counted and verified. Dr Emma Harvey won with 63 votes, four more than the nearest candidate.

Emma is a highly experienced Pharmaceutical Physician and has carried out extensive work within the Faculty for many years. I am delighted that she will be building on this work in further developing and expanding our Faculty’s work and influence.

Emma will take on the Vice-President’s role after the AGM in November 2024. Please join me in congratulating Emma on being elected to this very important role within our Faculty.


Chris Worth
Dr Chris Worth FFPM
Registrar, FPM

“I am both humbled and excited to have been elected as Vice-President of FPM. I am looking forward to working with the new President, Dr Sheuli Porkess, the Chief Executive, Dr Marcia Philbin, as well as the Board of Trustees and the membership, to further the science and practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine. Thank you to all of you who voted, for putting your trust in me.” 

Emma Harvey FFPM

Dr Emma Harvey FFPM
Vice-President-Elect, FPM

“I am delighted to congratulate Emma Harvey on being elected as the next Vice-President for FPM. Emma has already contributed significantly to FPM, and Emma’s expertise and leadership will be really valuable for FPM and for our specialty going forward.” 

Dr Sheuli Porkess FFPM
President-Elect, FPM

I am thrilled to welcome and congratulate Dr Emma Harvey as the next Vice-President of FPM. Emma has a wealth of experience in pharmaceutical medicine, and her dedication, coupled with her passion for learning and mentorship, means she is well placed to help lead our specialty move forward.

I look forward to working with Emma to further strengthen our professional community and make significant strides in the years to come.

Marcia Philbin
Dr Marcia Philbin
Chief Executive, FPM

Read Dr Emma Harvey’s candidate statement

This year I am celebrating 25 years in Pharmaceutical Medicine. When I first joined Pharma from the NHS, I was not quite sure what to expect, and I have been on a journey of discovery for the last quarter century. This speciality has the potential to touch so many patients’ lives, innovate and contribute to health policy, and there is always something new to learn, which is one of the things I find most enjoyable.

Learning and particularly ‘learning your craft’ is something I am passionate about. I started in Pharma when PMST (then HMT) was in its infancy and juggled sitting DPM exams and post-graduate training with family life. If we want to be seen as a credible medical specialty, then it is essential that our members are well-trained. Over the years I have been challenged by KOLs and my peers about joining Pharma and being able to say I have passed the DPM, hold a Certificate of Completion of Training and have a Licence to Practise, has always silenced the doubters.

I wear many hats in my life. As well as being a specialist Pharmaceutical Physician, I am also a mother, wife, carer (my son is severely disabled) and more recently, keeper of chickens! The life lessons I have learned, the project management skills I have developed through trying to maintain a positive work-life balance, have stood me in good stead as I have climbed the ladder of seniority in Pharma, and also meant I can empathise with and support colleagues dealing with family challenges, balancing career changes and demands and the demands of life. I have also learned what I am prepared to fight for and what I am prepared to forego.

Over the years I have taken on roles of increasing seniority, in both UK and global roles, most recently culminating in a role as SVP and Global Head of Medical Affairs for a UK-founded biotech. In that role I sat on the executive committee (the first woman to hold such a position) and also regularly presented to the Board of Directors. Throughout my career, I may have changed companies and changed roles but one constant has been the FPM. I moved from associate member to full member and became a Fellow in 2009. I have been an educational supervisor, have sat on the Board of Trustees and since the beginning, I have been an appraiser for revalidation. Recently I signed up to the mentorship programme to become a mentor. I have also been a member of the Policy and Communications Group and am very proud of establishing, with Marcia Philbin, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forum at FPM so that EDI could take its rightful place as a priority subject for FPM.

EDI is a passion of mine and one of the things I have been lucky enough to do is act as a mentor to other women in Pharma, helping them ‘navigate the matrix’, particularly when it comes to the challenges of being a working mother. I was sad to see the recent blog by Marcia saying how few women put themselves forward for Fellowship recently. That is something that I would like to see change in the coming years, and something that I would champion across the specialty. I would like to set up discussion for a to be able to better understand what stops women from applying to become Fellows, and also learn from the men about why they apply. Is it an issue of time, confidence or not having enough faith in what being a Fellow means? Time for some learning from all of you.

In recent years FPM has had a very strong focus on health policy and developing strong links with the NHS and other bodies, which is excellent. Perhaps now is the time to also foster strong links with the rest of the Pharma industry. FPM has typically left that to the ABPI, yet we are important stakeholders in the future of industry and should have a voice of our own.

The FPM is only as strong as its membership. If we are to really build the specialty then we need to be attracting and retaining Pharmaceutical Physicians who are passionate about the speciality and who can advocate, not only for the company they work for, but also for the specialty. We need members who are trained and credible and engaged with the FPM, not only as the professional body, but also as the accrediting body for professional training, whether CPM, DPM or PMST. I would like to work with you, the members and Fellows, to build your voice within FPM to shape the future of the speciality as well as the future of FPM.