Excelling against all odds – Fireside Chat with Dr Detina Zalli [event cancelled]
Posted on: Wednesday 21 December 2022
Author: FPM
Sadly this event has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting a Fireside Chat with Dr Detina Zalli, Director of the Pre-Medical Studies program at the University of Cambridge, on Friday 10 February 2023
This event will mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February).
Dr Zalli has a remarkable story to tell:
To escape the horrors of war, her family were forced to flee Albania when she was a young child. The journey to England was marked by numerous terrifying episodes, which included sneaking out of the house at night to look for her father who she feared might be dead, enduring the interrogation of customs officers in Italy and hiding with bated breath underneath a truck to avoid the police, whose footsteps they could not only hear, but also see.
Undeterred by these events and the vociferous xenophobic prejudice that she faced in England, Dr Zalli has excelled against all odds. She has held post-doctoral and teaching positions at the universities of Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. In March 2023 she will publish a book, co-authored with her twin sister Argita, called Good Morning, Hope which chronicles their awe-inspiring journey,
We are delighted at this unique opportunity to speak with Dr Zalli.
Registration is required for this free online event.