FPM announces next Registrar and welcomes new trustee

Posted on: Monday 9 September 2024
Author: FPM

FPM is pleased to announce that the next Registrar of FPM will be Dr Marc Watson FFPM.

Dr Watson will take up office at the AGM in November 2024, for a three-year term of office, at the same time as the next President, Dr Sheuli Porkess FFPM, and next Vice-President, Dr Emma Harvey FFPM. In addition to his formal responsibilities, Dr Watson will chair the Membership Committee.

We are also pleased to announce that Dr Stephen Huang MFPM will join the Board as a new Member Trustee (appointed).

“I am genuinely excited to have been appointed as the next Registrar of FPM, and look forward to working with the new President, Vice President and Board as we look to the future for the faculty, its members and pharmaceutical medicine in general.

Being involved with FPM in various guises over the years has been a real passion of mine, and I feel genuinely honoured to be able to further contribute. Whilst the role is broad and there are many activities which will be important, I am looking forward to bringing a particular focus to FPM members’ and staff wellbeing, building on the strong foundations that have been built over the last few years.”

Dr Marc Watson FFPM

Next Registrar of FPM

“I am very pleased to be appointed a Member Trustee of FPM. Over two decades, I have benefitted from FPM’s support and it’s only natural to serve the faculty in return. As a longstanding appraiser, I have good oversight of challenges faced by pharmaceutical physicians and would like to bring this breadth of knowledge to the Board. As an overseas graduate, I hope to contribute to the FPM’s efforts to expand its reach globally, ensuring that our profession continues to benefit patients and society worldwide. I look forward to working with trustees, officers and staff in the coming years.”

Dr Stephen Huang MFPM

Incoming Member Trustee (appointed)

"I am genuinely delighted at these two new appointments and thrilled to be ‘handing over the Registrar baton’ to Marc. In my own time as Registrar, the challenges facing the FPM over the last three years have been wide-ranging, but I have been impressed with how the FPM Board (and its predecessors), the FPM staff, and our wider membership have tackled each challenge.

Given the many opportunities ahead, I believe the time is now right for FPM to benefit from new insights and experience with a new Registrar. If I may quote the former England football manager, Gareth Southgate’s, words from his own recent departure note “Its time for change, and for a new chapter…..”! I am certain that both Marc Watson and Stephen Huang will contribute to the Board in highly significant ways, and that the wider membership (in the UK and globally) will, in time, receive the benefits of their, and the whole Board’s, actions."

Dr Chris Worth FFPM

Registrar, FPM