FPM has been nominated for three more awards!

Posted on: Friday 19 July 2024

We are delighted to announce that FPM has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Association Excellence Awards.

We submitted entries in three categories and have been shortlisted in all of them, which is the first time we have earned a 100% shortlisting success in all our years of being involved in industry awards!

This news comes just a few weeks after we were shortlisted for two prestigious Memcom awards in the Best Use of Video, and The Future Leader (for William Booth) categories.

We’ll be hoping to add to our trophy shelf later this year at the respective Memcom and Association Excellence Awards ceremonies.

The categories and shortlisted awards are:

Careers in Pharmaceutical Medicine Video Series

Best Blog Podcast or Video

DPM Training Programme

Best Learning / Professional Development Programme (up to 2000 members)

William Booth, Deputy Chief Executive

Association Leadership Award (up to 2000 members)

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