FPM Launches new CRM system
Posted on: Monday 17 July 2023
Author: FPM
In the past three years FPM has delivered a new CMS, a new LMS, and, as of last week, we have a brand new CRM. All these three-letter acronyms are indicative of a years-long strategy to update and modernise our digital capabilities.
CMS = Content Management System
LMS = Learning Management System
What does this mean for you?
As of right now the new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system has been hooked up to our website and you can access your profile by registering a new web account at My FPM. We have intentionally mirrored the functionality of the previous system for launch, so you can update your profile details, change your marketing preferences, and book onto events, training and examinations as you could previously.
Over the next few months we will roll out phase two of the CRM/portal project which will further expand its functionality. These improvements have been developed in collaboration with members and will include:
- a streamlined process to submit new member applications,
- secure access to new committee and working group webpages,
- bookings for events or training courses on behalf of someone else, and
- more personalised email communications.
The new CRM is a significant investment for FPM and we’d like to encourage you to try it out for yourself right now by logging in and checking that your details are up-to-date. We hope that you will see some subtle but noticeable quality-of-life improvements when using the new system. If you have any problems logging in please take a look at our My FPM FAQs page for some common troubleshooting tips.
The web portal is the most obvious change you will see but behind the scenes we have a completely new CRM too. When we were setting out what we wanted from a CRM, we knew that if we could automate most of our routine tasks, then we could free up time for more meaningful work for both you and us, and our new system will help us do this.
It’s here! The new CRM is the latest part of our digital development strategy. This started with the launch of our current website in March 2020 (great timing for all those COVID-19 blog articles!), and was swiftly followed by a rapid diversification of our events portfolio to include online and hybrid meetings. Earlier this year we launched our fantastic new Learning Management System (LMS) and later this year our brand new independently-hosted and confidential mentoring platform - FPM Connect – will go live. I’m incredibly proud of my team who have committed many hours to developing, testing and testing again to ensure that all these systems are fit for the purpose of making your interactions with us, and with each other, easier. Go team!

Please be our guinea pigs
With such a significant new launch it’s inevitable that there will be some teething problems that haven’t come to light during our testing – if you do spot any issues, bugs, or obvious areas for improvement that you think we should know about please email membership@fpm.org.uk and include as much information as possible, e.g. the web address and any actions that result in an error.