FPM launches Strategy 2023-2025

Posted on: Monday 5 December 2022
Author: FPM

FPM has just published its strategy for 2023-2025.

The strategy is underpinned by three pillars of approach: Trust, Sustainability, and Relevance. These pillars are aligned with FPM’s three charitable objectives for public benefit; to promote the science of pharmaceutical medicine; to develop and maintain competence, ethical integrity and high professional standards in the practice of pharmaceutical medicine; and to advance knowledge in pharmaceutical medicine.

Our priorities for 2023-2025


FPM will be trustworthy by facilitating an increased understanding of the discovery, development and delivery of new medicines, vaccines and medical devices and the interface with public health.


FPM will be sustainable by building an effective foundation to support our work.


FPM will be relevant to its membership and embrace the wider professional community in pharmaceutical medicine.

FPM Strategy 2023-2025