Education Appointments – Professor Penny Ward, Dr Ulrike Lorch and Dr Don Nwose
Posted on: Monday 1 November 2021
Author: FPM
We are delighted to announce the re-appointment of our ESC chair and the recruitment of two new programme directors:
Dr Penny Ward has been re-appointed as the Chair of the FPM Education and Standards Committee (ESC).
Dr Ulrike Lorch has been appointed as the new Director of Human Pharmacology.
Dr Don Nwose has been appointed as the new Director of Experimental Therapeutics.
I am honoured to be reappointed to chair the Education and Standards Committee for a further three year term. My first term has been very eventful including the introduction of an 'on line' invigilated examination platform, GMC approval of the new PMST curriculum and the design of a training program for First in Human Principle Investigators which our newly appointed Director of Human Pharmacology, Ulrike Lorch will drive forward. A new role, Director of Experimental Therapeutics, to which Don Nwose has been appointed, has been instituted with a view to further development of educational programs for individuals working in translational medicine. The committee has also expanded its activities to include the development of training for members working on medical devices and diagnostics. Over the next three years FPM hopes to extend training across the breadth of pharmaceutical medicine in the UK and beyond; I look forward to contributing further to this endeavour.

Investing in the clinical workforce and their training opportunities is crucial to delivering high quality, cutting-edge clinical trials and to achieving faster development of new and advanced therapies that benefit patients. I’m honoured to be appointed as Director of Human Pharmacology. I look forward to contributing to a flexible learning environment that allows training in Human Pharmacology in an individualised and modular way, matching the capabilities trainees need to acquire for their current and future work.

I am delighted to have been appointed Director of Experimental Therapeutics. The ever-increasing advances in science and technology, our ability to generate better morphological, molecular and clinical data and linked to artificial intelligence and deep learning have heralded a new era in Experimental Therapeutics. I hope to work with the Education and Standards Committee to equip our members with the knowledge and skills to translate discoveries in the laboratory to therapies in a clinical setting.