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Expert Groups

FPM has a high level of expertise and knowledge among its membership and we work to make sure that this knowledge is made available to the media, policy makers, and the public, in order to inform and educate in pharmaceutical medicine and raise awareness of the specialty.

The expert groups exist to support and guide FPM in content for external public policy, communications and engagement with FPM members and other relevant stakeholders. They also look internally to ensure that the activities and processes of FPM are adequately representative of their particular area.

If you are interested in joining an Expert Group please email fpm@fpm.org.uk.

Our Expert Groups

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Membership of the Expert Groups is open to all suitably qualified and experienced FPM members (all grades).

Members of the groups must be confident that their level of expert knowledge is such that their input could be considered the official FPM position.

Recent outputs from some of our Expert Groups