Specialty trainers

Educational Supervisors and Associate Educational Supervisors, known collectively as specialty trainers, play important roles in the educational development of pharmaceutical medicine trainees; assessing their competencies and supporting them to complete the PMST programme.

How to become an educational supervisor

It is a regulatory requirement that before a pharmaceutical physician can become an educational supervisor in pharmaceutical medicine they must be recognised for the role by the Pharmaceutical Medicine Deanery. A potential educational supervisor must satisfy the eligibility criteria below and confirm that they can commit to performing the role.

How to become an associate educational supervisor

The associate educational supervisor has a similar role and similar responsibilities to an educational supervisor and can act as a signatory on most PMST documents and attend Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) meetings with his or her pharmaceutical medicine trainees.

However, the associate educational supervisor must have a nominated educational supervisor to counter-sign rated capabilities in practice (CiPs) and to complete the educational supervisor report on the trainee e-portfolio.

A potential associate educational supervisor must satisfy the eligibility criteria below and confirm that they can commit to performing the role.

Lunch & Learn for PMST Educational Supervisors

We are holding a series of quarterly lunchtime educational sessions during 2023. The sessions will be held via Zoom and each one will cover a different aspect of the educational supervisor’s role. We will post future dates and topics soon.

The sessions are free to attend and only open to individuals who are either GMC-approved educational supervisors for pharmaceutical medicine or approved associate educational supervisors.

Please see table below for the dates of the first session, which we are running twice.

Please note that sessions may be recorded and posted on our website as an educational resource.

DateTopicTimeOnline platform
20 February 2023 Educational supervisor's report Completed Zoom
28 February 2023 Educational supervisor's report Cancelled Zoom
3 July 2023 Chunky CiPs 12:05 - 12:55 GMT +1 Zoom

Previous Lunch & Learn sessions

Introductory Workshop

The ‘Introductory Workshop for Educational Supervisors and Associate Educational Supervisors’ is normally a half day online training session. There is a registration fee of £100 per person to attend. Individuals who have applied to become a specialty trainer in pharmaceutical must attend the workshop and then complete and submit a short assignment before they can be approved by the GMC or the deanery.

Terms and conditions: A workshop attendee will receive a full refund of the paid registration fee if s/he cancels their attendance on the workshop two weeks before the workshop. Refunds will be made less a £50 cancellation fee if the attendee notifies FPM one week before the workshop. FPM reserves the right to change the venue if circumstances arise that require such changes. In the event of cancellation by FPM, a full refund of the registration fee only will be given. FPM recommend that attendees take out insurance to cover any travel and accommodation expenses. Attendees’ personal details will be used for the purposes of event administration only. Please note FPM’s data protection policy.

DateTimeOnline platform
16 February 2023 10:00 - 12:30 GMT Zoom
18 May 2023 10:00 - 12:30 GMT +1 Cancelled
14 September 2023 10:00 -12:30 GMT +1 Zoom
30 November 2023 10:00 - 12:30 GMT Zoom

Pharmaceutical medicine specialty trainer renewal form

The following requirements only apply to individuals who have been approved by either the deanery or the GMC as specialty trainers for the PMST programme.

The deanery is responsible for:

– training and approving individuals as associate educational supervisors

– training and recognising individuals as educational supervisors

– applying to the GMC to approve recognised educational supervisors, and

– renewing the approvals of associate educational supervisors.


The following policies only apply to individuals who are specialty trainers for the PMST programme. This includes GMC-approved educational supervisors for pharmaceutical medicine and deanery-approved associate educational supervisors.

All potential specialty trainers must complete:

1) either the online Educational Supervisor application form or the Associate Educational Supervisor application form;

2) complete and submit a pre-workshop assignment;

3) attend the ‘Introductory Workshop for Educational Supervisors and Associate Educational Supervisors’; and

4) complete and submit a post-workshop assignment.

Possible decisions of the deanery
Decision Description
Additional time The specialty trainer has submitted an incomplete renewal form; the specialty trainer still has one or more domains to meet - additional time required (up to six months initially with further extensions to be agreed between the DEG and the specialty trainer).
Request the GMC withdraw its educational supervisor approval The educational supervisor has not submitted a complete renewal form before the end of their four-year term; the educational supervisor has not met all seven of the GMC’s domains for specialty trainers by the end of their four-year term; the educational supervisor indicated on their renewal form that they want to relinquish their role.
Withdraw associate educational supervisor approval The associate educational supervisor has not submitted a renewal form before the end of their four-year term; the associate educational supervisor has not met all seven of the GMC’s domains for specialty trainers by the end of their four-year term; the associate educational supervisor indicated on their renewal form that they want to relinquish their role.