Training sites

Training sites are organisations that have been approved by the GMC to deliver the pharmaceutical medicine specialty training programme. Training sites are responsible for supporting their trainees and specialty trainers and to fulfil the requirements in the GMC's 'Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training'.

Training site approval

Pharmaceutical medicine organisations that would like to deliver the PMST programme, must be approved by the GMC.

We will submit a training approval application to the GMC if the pharmaceutical medicine organisation has:

  • completed the PMST training site self-assessment form (see ‘Resources’ section below) in full; and
  • answered ‘Yes’ to all of the statements under the four domains.

The four domains are:

  1. Learning environment and culture
  2. Educational governance and leadership
  3. Supporting and empowering pharmaceutical medicine trainees
  4. Supporting and empowering pharmaceutical medicine educational and associate educational supervisors.

If a pharmaceutical medicine organisation answers ‘No’ to any of the domain statements on their self-assessment form, we may ask one of our FPM Specialty Advisors (SAs) to meet the pharmaceutical medicine organisation and complete an assessment of the organisation’s suitability to become an approved training site before we consider submitting an application to the GMC.

After the GMC has approved a pharmaceutical medicine organisation as a training site, its name will be added to the GMC’s list of approved training locations.

The training site must then meet the standards and requirements of the GMC, which are contained in ‘Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training’, on an ongoing basis. We may request the training site to submit an annual self-assessment form to us so that we can monitor its delivery of the PMST programme for its trainees and educational supervisors.

List of existing PMST training sites

We will keep the list up to date, but you are advised to verify that the pharmaceutical medicine organisation is still a GMC-approved training site and suitable to support pharmaceutical physicians who want to undertake PMST. The list is for information only.

Achilles Therapeutics
ADC Therapeutics (UK) Ltd
Allergy Therapeutics Ltd
Amgen Ltd
AstraZeneca UK Ltd

External Educational Supervisors

FPM maintains a list of external educational supervisors that pharmaceutical medicine organisations can request if they are unable to provide their trainees with in-house educational supervision.

Please contact FPM’s Specialty Training Manager for a copy. We recommend you read the conditions of using the list below first before you request a copy.

Conditions for using external educational supervisor list

2.1 Pharmaceutical organisations, potential and current doctors in training

The list must only be used to find an external educational supervisor to supervise doctors enrolled on the PMST programme.

The information contained in this list is confidential and should not be passed to other parties.

Pharmaceutical organisations must either complete an agreement or contract with an external educational supervisor to hire their services in good faith or notify the external educational supervisor that it does not want to proceed with an agreement or contract immediately, and before the external educational supervisor has incurred costs in preparation to sign the agreement or contract, otherwise the pharmaceutical organisation may be liable for all costs incurred by the external educational supervisorr.

2.2 External educational supervisors

The external educational supervisor has agreed to enter his or her name on to this list for acting as an external educational supervisor for doctors enrolled on the PMST programme only.

The external educational supervisor agrees to tell FPM if they:

  • want to be removed from the list; and/or
  • have relinquished your licence to practise with the GMC.