Lay Trustee

Posted on: Wednesday 1 November 2023

Closing: Friday 24 November 2023 17:00 (UK time)

Home » Vacancies » Lay Trustee

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Role Content

Are you a qualified professional who is seeking to make a difference and help to influence decisions which impact on the health of society? If the answer is yes, we want to hear from you! The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (FPM) is seeking lay trustees, with specific expertise in Law, Human Resources or Finance.

So who are we? FPM is the professional membership organisation for pharmaceutical physicians (doctors) and is a registered charity. It works for the benefit of patients and the public by contributing to the provision of effective medicines by seeking to advance the science and practice of pharmaceutical medicine.

Charity trustees are the people who serve on the governing body of a charity. Trustees have and must accept ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of a charity and ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering the charitable outcomes for the benefit of the public for which it has been set up. Trustees are also Directors of FPM under the Companies Act.

The FPM’s governing body is its Board of Trustees which has fourteen trustee members. Twelve of the trustees are medically qualified and are current members of FPM. The two lay trustees will provide invaluable lay perspective to help FPM to deliver its current strategy which is based on three pillars of Trust, Sustainability and Relevance. Further details of FPM’s strategy 2023-2025 are here.

This vacancy has expired.

Main responsibilities as a trustee

Lay Trustee – Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (FPM) is an independent charity, a professional membership organisation and a standard setting body which is based in London. It provides postgraduate medical education to doctors known as pharmaceutical physicians who develop, regulate and deliver medicines globally. FPM works collaboratively with other Royal Medical Colleges and Faculties where it advises and leads on policy discussions regarding the science and deployment of medicines. FPM is seeking to recruit new lay trustees to join the FPM board to oversee the ongoing development of FPM as laid out in the 2023-2025 Strategy. To qualify as a lay trustee, you must be a non-medically qualified professional who is able to provide an independent viewpoint as well as comply with the legal requirements as laid out by the Charity Commission.

We are seeking applicants who have significant skills and experience in the following

  • Law
  • Human resources
  • Finance

We actively encourage qualified applicants from a diverse background to apply.

Time commitment

There are four half day board meetings per year of which two are held online and two in person at the FPM offices, though videoconferencing facilities are made available. There are additional meetings throughout the year to address emerging or urgent topics but they are infrequent and tend to be short meetings.

Remuneration: This is a voluntary position and therefore does not pay a salary. Reasonable expenses are reimbursed.

Term of office: Three years

How to apply

Please read the role specification and criteria which can be found here. Then, please send your CV
and a covering written statement of no more than 750 words to explain your interest in the role and how you feel you meet the requirements. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to meet a selection panel via video conferencing during week commencing 4 December 2023.

The closing date for applications is 17:00 (UK time) on Friday 24 November 2023.

Please email your application documents to or send them by post to our postal address addressed to the Chief Executive.

Please send any queries to