Seeking members for the ‘Careers in Pharmaceutical Medicine’ working group
This is a call for volunteers to join our Working Group on “Careers in Pharmaceutical Medicine”. We want career advice and support to become a key cornerstone of FPM’s membership offering, and are seeking volunteers who are able to shape, develop and inspire this aspect of our activities.
The Working Group has been established to review and update the information, promotion and support that FPM provides on careers in pharmaceutical medicine. There are several main tasks that have been identified:
- Review all currently available careers information, including on the FPM website and printed materials, and identify areas for improvement.
- Review careers information provided by similar organisations and identify key learnings for FPM.
- Update (where needed) FPM’s careers information.
- Review the scope and operation of the Careers Advice Database.
- Identify ways in which FPM can promote careers in pharmaceutical medicine alongside promoting FPM as a training body and membership organisation (i.e. Social media, careers fairs, articles in targeted publications, advertising, collaborations with other institutions).
- Directly contribute to identified promotional avenues (i.e. attending careers fairs, writing articles etc.)
The Working Group will last for around 12 months, with monthly meetings held online until May 2022, and ad-hoc meetings following this.
You can find more information on this working group in the Terms of Reference below.
If you would like to learn more, or are interested in volunteering to join us, then please email
The group will work closely with FPM’s staff, including Eleanor Kingwell-Banham and Ben Cottam.
Affiliates, Associates, Members and Fellows are eligible to apply.
This vacancy has expired.